39 Westland Row, Dublin 2
English Russian Polish


How long does a Divorce take?

Between 6 and 9 months if uncontested, longer if contested.

How much does a Divorce cost?

If uncontested, it is cheaper. We will discuss the likely costs involved with you at the outset.

What is the most effective method of separating?

A Separation Agreement. Terms to be agreed between both parties' solicitors.

What is the difference between a legal separation and a divorce?

There is no final order with a legal separation, so you are not free to remarry. When you are divorced, you are free to remarry.

What are the basic requirements for a Divorce?

You must have been living apart for 4 of the 5 preceding years. There is no reasonable prospect of a reconciliation and the Court must be satisfied that proper financial provision has been made for the spouse and the children.

What Orders can I ask the Court to make?

Upon an application to the Court, Orders may be made relating to:

  • The family home
  • Children
  • Maintenance (financial provision)
  • Any other property owned
  • Pension rights
  • Succession rights i.e. inheritance
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