Latest news and blog » Local Property Tax - Revenue Guidelines 2016-03-08
The main changes are as follows:-
- There is a new general clearance condition - where a property is sold for €300,000 or less, general clearance applies, regardless of what chargeable value was declared for the property.
- The allowable valuation margins by which the sale price/value exceeds the valuation band/chargeable value declared have been increased:
- in relation to properties outside Dublin city and county, from 15% to 25%
- in relation to properties in Dublin city and county, from 25% to 50%
- The above increased allowable margins are carried through to the general clearance condition relating to expenditure on enhancements to a property.
- In the general clearance condition relation to sales of comparable properties, the time period prior to 1 May 2013 within which there must be evidence of a sale of comparable property has been increased from 6 months to 9 months.